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Use our three-day Addis Ababa weather forecast to plan your holiday or stay in Addis Ababa. Rain or shine, you can always find great deals for Addis Ababa hotels, car rental, and flights with World Executive's travel booking tools.
| Addis Ababa HiltonCorner of Menelik II Avenue, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Cool off in the thermal swimming pool surrounded by thatched huts at the central Hilton Addis Ababa hotel. Play friends on one of 4 tennis courts and relax with a massage at the health club. Try the specialty lobster at the romantic Jacaranda Restaurant and browse the... |
| Sheraton AddisKirkos Kifle Ketema Kebele 16 Taitu Street P.O.Box 6002 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Hotel Introduction The Luxury Collection is an assembly of renowned hotels and resorts; each with unique qualities that defy easy description; all with a timeless style and grace that draw those who can choose from anything in the world. It... |
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